Support Our Work
Support our work
Our mission is to understand, protect and restore raptor populations in Kenya. We do this through rescue and rehabilitation of injured raptors, community education and capacity building, field monitoring and research and evidence-based raptor conservation. All donations go directly to support the programmes we run to achieve this. When you donate, you can choose one of these programmes or select the option Area of greatest need which provides us with unrestricted funding that can go to where we believe it is needed most, as fast as possible. You can also support your favourite raptor by financially contributing to the care of these birds.
Donate from the USA via fiscal sponsor
We have partnered with Empowers Africa in order to provide a cost-effective solution to fundraising in the United States by acting as their fiscal sponsor.
Donate via M-PESA
Select Paybill# 4041103
Account# your name
Enter the amount you wish to donate, enter PIN and confirm your donation.